Have you ever walked into a room where everyone was laughing, and you just couldn’t help yourself and joined the laughter, even if you didn’t know exactly why everyone else was laughing? Or you entered a beautiful, fragrant garden on a warm summer night, and immediately you felt a state of inner peace and calm? These are just a few simple examples of the law of resonance.
What is resonance?
Modern physics has discovered what Tantra already teaches for millennia: everything in this universe is vibration. The entire manifestation is an interwoven tapestry of various different vibrations, from the very low (the physical and material) to the very high (the spiritual).
Resonance, derived from the Latin word re-sonare, literally means ‘to sound again’. Meaning that a same sound (or vibration), can sound (or vibrate) again in a different object. For example, if you would play one E string on a harp, this will start a process of resonance in all the E strings in the different octaves, but even on other string instruments nearby. All will start sounding, too. Or, if you prefer the example of a radio: electromagnetic waves are constantly sent from the radio station, which we can tune in to with our own radio device. So can we, as human beings resonate with various different energy frequencies that are available in the cosmos.
The process of resonance can only take place when two individual systems are the same or very close. In the case of the radio, when you get closer to the correct frequency of the radio station, you can already hear the music, albeit slightly distorted. When you then catch the exact frequency, the music you hear is not distorted any longer.
A conscious choice
In our first example, when you entered that room of laughing people, the moment of resonating with the environment somehow just happened. In that kind of situation, you don’t really have control over the resonance you enter. It could just as well have been a room with sad people, resulting in you feeling quite different. In the case of the radio on the contrary, we actively choose a certain radio station we want to listen to. In every moment we have this choice: we either let our environment decide our state, or we actively choose the frequency we want to resonate at.
It may not look like we ourselves have a radio device with a button for fine-tuning to available frequencies, but in fact, we do. We have our own body: a very complex system of 5 subtle layers, vibrating at 7 different frequencies, each of them a vehicle of our ‘true self’ (supreme Self, or Atman in Sanskrit). These 7 main frequencies correspond to 7 chakras (or energy wheels). They govern both the conscious, as well as the unconscious areas of our being. Each chakra is like an antenna that can emit and receive energies from the cosmos.
Just like there are many radio stations to chose from, there is also an array of different sublime, uplifting and elevated energies available to us, such as love, truth, eros, willpower, vitality, happiness, harmony, etc. By learning about the chakras and how they work, you can attract these elevated energies into your aura, so that you have them more easily available to you. Tantra offers many different methods to balance the 7 chakras and amplify certain resonances in our being.
So, before you continue with your day, let me ask you: Which “radio station” is your “radio” tuning into today? Is it a sublime, elevated and uplifting one?