Esoteric Tantra Massage Education
I started in TME with a vague idea of it being “good for my development”. At the end of it, I was spouting poetry. Like this which gives my opinion of TME:
So much of what is right
is locked beneath the skin
of people full of love,
and fire deep within
We touch to let that fire out
We touch to see them grow
We touch to help them feel their love
We touch to see it show
For we have found such treasure
In meetings of the heart
Intensity of pleasure
life as ecstatic art
How could we then go back and hide
pretend that we don’t care
The spark within our hearts is light
that we are bound to share
The Tantra Massage Education for me was an amazing journey of inner discovery. We were going step by step into very delicate subjects like erotical openness, ability to control and direct our energies and desires, removing blockages and inhibitions, acceptance of ourselves and the others.
Sometimes it was not easy, but sometimes it was ecstatic. The support of the teachers, the soul connections that were built up in our group were of great help. I was amazed to see how all the teachings, the practices we did and the theory we learned during this education were immediately reflected in my life, creating great transformations! For sure after this education I became more open and loving towards men, I could overcome shyness, my love relationship transformed greatly. I would definitely recommend this journey to anyone who wants to learn how to give love through conscious and loving touch!
My own experience of the Tantra Massage Education has been a deep and transforming journey. Through the education I have reached a deeper understanding of the Tantric philosophy which had a great impact on my own personal evolution and the way I choose to live my life now.
Through the practical training and guidance I have become better at listening to my own body and understanding its signals. I have discovered new ways to express and receive love and eroticism, while becoming more conscious of my own limits and needs. During the massages I have experienced a profound inner journey, releasing blockages in my body from past experiences that made it difficult to feel energy flowing freely.
The education has given me tools to free myself from limiting convictions and emotional blockages. I have learned to really be present in the now and let go of control in order to experience a deeper connection with myself and the people around me.
During the education I have also been challenged to be more courageous, open and vulnerable – and I have discovered that even in the most intimate space there exists a well of inner strength and joy. This journey has been a source of healing and personal transforming growth; it has given me valuable tools to create more authenticity and meaningful connections in my life. At the same time, it taught me to connect with my heart, be conscious in my actions and that my body, mind and spirit belong together like a trinity