Esoteric Tantric Initations


Step by step journey of tantric awakening


“Change is inevitable, transformation is a choice”

What is Tantra

A quick translation of the word “Tantra” is “A network/weave of tools”. It is an ancient tradition that presents possible methods for a human being to have a healthier life, a happier life, and to keep evolving spiritually.

Many people associate the word with sexuality, and it is true that Tantra includes eroticism as part of achieving a full life. Instead of trying to reject or diminish the erotic power, this energy is instead faced with full awareness, and is used for whatever higher purpose we want, such as eros, love, expansion, or Self-realization. Tantra is making a clear distinction between sexual energy and erotic energy, one leading to instinctual satisfaction (or frustration), the other to spiritual fulfillment.

What is an initiation

An initiation is a new beginning, the beginning of a process to transform your life, opening the door to unexpected new perspectives, self knowledge and the inner freedom to choose a path that leads to conscious living and genuine happiness. It is the planting of a seed of wisdom as well as practical methods that you take home and water and nourish, until that seed of wisdom starts to sprout and blossom inside of you.

All ancient traditions have used initiations as an impulse to help you grow, they mark key steps on the journey of life, a before and after moment, where you gain new awareness and understanding. The door is opened, but you have to walk the path…

Overview of the initiations

Tantra templet
tantra temple copenhagen initiation
12 initiations

The initiations are structured as 12 initiations on 3 levels, each initiation takes around 3-4 hours including a lecture, practical exercises and massage. The initiations takes place in the temple in Copenhagen and Århus (not online).


Each initiation gives you one or more exercises that you can practice at home.


Each initiation includes a special tantric massages to transmit the initiation energetically and at the level of the physical body.


You will receive a booklet for each of the initiations with all the key points and exercises that you learn.

Group experience or personal guide

You can receive the initiations in a group setting on select dates or you can book a one a private session with an experienced teacher for yourself or as a couple.

Level 1: Neophyte

A neophyte is someone who is beginning their journey, being newly initiated into a particular path of transformation. We start from where we are, with everything we have learned and experienced until this moment of initiation. We are being supported by the energy of the beginning, which helps us to be enthusiastically open to learn and to put into practice all new knowledge and inspiration.

Tantric Massage for Women
1: Awareness & Relaxation – the fundamental attitude in tantra

A tantric strives to be in a state of lucid relaxation all the time. The relaxation allows energy to flow freely. The lucidity allows us to take control of the energy and direct it where we want.

There is a big confusion about what it means to be relaxed. Lying on the couch doing nothing is not necessarily relaxing and you can be relaxed in the middle of the most intense activity. Relaxation is something that happens inside, not outside, it’s an attitude with which we meet life without stressing, tensing or resisting anything that life brings us.

You don’t need to tense in order to focus, awareness doesn’t mean trying to remember a lot of things at the same time, in fact awareness is what happens naturally when we stop trying to control life with our mind, when we learn to relax into the present moment we gain a deeper state of presence and ability to take an experience in a much deeper way, we become aware of ourselves and what is happening without all the noise of the mind to distract us and make us run around in circles.

2: Law of resonance – unleashing your full potential

Sometimes when someone smiles at us and radiates happiness, we become more happy as well,  other times when someone is in a bad mood, it affects our mood as well. Emotions and everything else which exists has a certain energetic frequency that you can tune into. It happens all the time in our daily life, some people seem to be naturally happy and optimistic, others perpetually down… what makes one person see the glass as half empty and another as half full?

You can tune directly into the energy of happiness and experience happiness without anyone smiling at you or anything else happening that we usually perceive as the cause of how we feel. When you learn the secret of resonance, you will gain an enormous freedom to choose how you experience your life and you never have to feel stuck, like a victim of circumstances or unable to change something again.

Tantra templet massage
3: Power of Shakti – the infinite source of energy within you / Surfing the waves of life

The word Shakti means power or energy, it’s the ecstatic lifeforce which moves everything which exists. In the tantric tradition the entire universe is the eternal dance between Shakti and Shiva, the supreme consciousness. From the moment of the cosmic creation, Shakti is inviting us to join her dance, to let the energy flow freely through us, daring us to live fully and love freely and to not hold anything back out of fear or hesitation.

Shakti is the transforming power that sets us free from any limitation, inviting us to step into the mysterious unknown and to see with eyes full of amazement. She helps us to get our priorities straight, to always choose according to our hearts deepest needs and aspirations, bringing a deep sense of meaning and purpose into our lives.

Shakti is the essence of life itself and a fundamental attitude with with we choose to live. Saying yes to life means to let go of fears and any false sense of security and to learn how to fly.

4: Erotic Revolution

A spiritual master was once asked what it would take to make the world into heaven on earth, and the master answered, “if every living soul would transform their lives just a little bit for the better, it would already be an enormous shift for humanity”.

The erotic revolution represents a profound shift in an area that is part of the life of every human being, the erotic energy. Whether we choose to engage with that energy or not, it’s still there, it’s our life force and source of all creativity, it’s the rocket fuel with which we can reach the stars and on the other hand a great deal of suffering, frustrations and tragedies can result from not being able to deal with this energy, which reaches into all areas of our lives – not just the bedroom.

Buddha famously said that if there had been an energy stronger than the sexual energy, then he would have never reached enlightenment. This powerful force can give rise to  instinctual and compulsive behaviour, hunting for pleasure, blockages, shame and guilt, superficial tendencies for immediate gratification.

Tantra reveals the difference between eroticism and sexuality and the importance of bringing the light of awareness and a loving heart into all our experiences, in this way we will be able to have the most intense and powerful states provided by the senses in a perfectly controlled manner and the limited individual field of awareness can expand into the Cosmic Universal Consciousness.

Sparking the Mysterious Flame of Love
Tantric Massage for Women
1: Awareness & Relaxation – the fundamental attitude in tantra

A tantric strives to be in a state of lucid relaxation all the time. The relaxation allows energy to flow freely. The lucidity allows us to take control of the energy and direct it where we want.

There is a big confusion about what it means to be relaxed. Lying on the couch doing nothing is not necessarily relaxing and you can be relaxed in the middle of the most intense activity. Relaxation is something that happens inside, not outside, it’s an attitude with which we meet life without stressing, tensing or resisting anything that life brings us.

You don’t need to tense in order to focus, awareness doesn’t mean trying to remember a lot of things at the same time, in fact awareness is what happens naturally when we stop trying to control life with our mind, when we learn to relax into the present moment we gain a deeper state of presence and ability to take an experience in a much deeper way, we become aware of ourselves and what is happening without all the noise of the mind to distract us and make us run around in circles.

2: Law of resonance – unleashing your full potential

Sometimes when someone smiles at us and radiates happiness, we become more happy as well,  other times when someone is in a bad mood, it affects our mood as well. Emotions and everything else which exists has a certain energetic frequency that you can tune into. It happens all the time in our daily life, some people seem to be naturally happy and optimistic, others perpetually down… what makes one person see the glass as half empty and another as half full?

You can tune directly into the energy of happiness and experience happiness without anyone smiling at you or anything else happening that we usually perceive as the cause of how we feel. When you learn the secret of resonance, you will gain an enormous freedom to choose how you experience your life and you never have to feel stuck, like a victim of circumstances or unable to change something again.

Tantra templet massage
3: Power of Shakti – the infinite source of energy within you / Surfing the waves of life

The word Shakti means power or energy, it’s the ecstatic lifeforce which moves everything which exists. In the tantric tradition the entire universe is the eternal dance between Shakti and Shiva, the supreme consciousness. From the moment of the cosmic creation, Shakti is inviting us to join her dance, to let the energy flow freely through us, daring us to live fully and love freely and to not hold anything back out of fear or hesitation.

Shakti is the transforming power that sets us free from any limitation, inviting us to step into the mysterious unknown and to see with eyes full of amazement. She helps us to get our priorities straight, to always choose according to our hearts deepest needs and aspirations, bringing a deep sense of meaning and purpose into our lives.

Shakti is the essence of life itself and a fundamental attitude with with we choose to live. Saying yes to life means to let go of fears and any false sense of security and to learn how to fly.

Sparking the Mysterious Flame of Love
4: Erotic Revolution

A spiritual master was once asked what it would take to make the world into heaven on earth, and the master answered, “if every living soul would transform their lives just a little bit for the better, it would already be an enormous shift for humanity”.

The erotic revolution represents a profound shift in an area that is part of the life of every human being, the erotic energy. Whether we choose to engage with that energy or not, it’s still there, it’s our life force and source of all creativity, it’s the rocket fuel with which we can reach the stars and on the other hand a great deal of suffering, frustrations and tragedies can result from not being able to deal with this energy, which reaches into all areas of our lives – not just the bedroom.

Buddha famously said that if there had been an energy stronger than the sexual energy, then he would have never reached enlightenment. This powerful force can give rise to  instinctual and compulsive behaviour, hunting for pleasure, blockages, shame and guilt, superficial tendencies for immediate gratification.

Tantra reveals the difference between eroticism and sexuality and the importance of bringing the light of awareness and a loving heart into all our experiences, in this way we will be able to have the most intense and powerful states provided by the senses in a perfectly controlled manner and the limited individual field of awareness can expand into the Cosmic Universal Consciousness.

Sign up:

Call (+45) 7199 1102 or  e-mail:

Level 2: Aspirant

A spiritual aspirant is someone who has committed to personal development or spiritual growth. It’s a period of intense practice and becoming more mature in continuously choosing the right path for us. Whereas in the beginning we are given many gifts and “free” revelations from all the new perspectives on life revealed to us, here we need to learn to be steady in walking the path even if it takes us through the desert and many challenging moments.

5: Polarity

6: The tantric woman – discovering your feminine essence

6: The tantric man – living from your masculine core

7: Active Love – Love like you’ve never been hurt

8: Amorous Erotic Continence for women – elevate your erotic life to new dimensions

8: Amorous Erotic Continence for men – secrets of mastering your erotic energy

Level 3: Initiate

An initiate is someone who has already achieved many wonderful results in their spiritual growth and who is able to bring everything they have learned into practice in their everyday lives, having a much expanded perspective even in the little moments and in the tiny details. It is someone who meets life with the heart wide open and is able to act consciously (and not just react according to old patterns)  in the face of both challenges and the beautiful opportunities that life brings.

9: Power of the Yoni – discovering the temple of your creative power

9: Power of the Lingam

10: Orgasm for Women

10: Multiorgasmic Man

11: Sacred Eroticism

12: Who am I?

Sign up:

Call (+45) 7199 1102 or  e-mail:



All initiations are members only

COUPLE INITIATIONS pr person 2500 9000  



Membership fee (annual) 500
Initial sign up fee  100