Esoteric Tantra Massage Education
The Masterclass has a duration of 18-20 months. It dives deep into esoteric subjects such as chakras and how to balance them through pressure points and massage. You improve your Tantric skills such as empathy, intuition, transfiguration, and how to deal with desires. You learn Love Shiatsu, astrology, personality types, and you learn the sacred art of yoni or lingam massage.
You become an Esoteric Tantra Massage Therapist.

Overview of the Masterclass
The Masterclass requires that you have finished the Basic Education and has two phases. The first half of the Masterclass is called the Expansion phase and the second half the Unity phase.
Sixteen intense modules
The masterclass consists of 14 weekends and 2 whole weeks, spread over 18-20 months. Each module consists of lectures, workshops, massage practice, energy work, Meridian and Hatha yoga, and group exercises.
Between the modules your homework is to practice what you have learned so far.
Fourteen live calls
There will also be an online meeting between each module where we check in and follow up with each other.
Personal tutor
You can choose to be assigned a professional masseur to personally help you with guidance through the entire education. There is an additional cost, but we know from experience that you get more out of the education with this support.
You will receive extensive written handouts for the lectures, exercises, and massages that you learn.
You will create a personal communication project leading up to the exam.
At the end of the Masterclass there will be a final exam. When you pass the exam you will receive a certificate as an Esoteric Tantra Massage Therapist.
Phase I : Expansion
During the Expansion Phase you will learn to gradually shift your focus from yourself to include the other person in your attention. In this way you will expand, being able to distinguish between your own energy and the other one’s, and eventually to awaken and move energy in the other one.
You will learn to classify imbalances in your guests using the Chakra energy system, and will learn many practical massages for dealing with those particular issues. You will continue to deepen your understanding of how your own energy affects your guest through resonance.

Intimacy through conscious touch. From Sexuality to Eroticism
Several lectures cover these topics in depth. This is very important for being able to offer awareness without judgment, intimacy without attachment, love without reward.
Energy centers known as Chakras
The energy structures that shape our bodies, emotions, and thoughts, and form the subtle connection to our soul and the universe. Identifying imbalances on various levels, in yourself and your guests. Extra focus on Anahata – the heart chakra, as it is associated directly with the skin and the sense of touch, and serves as the bridge between our lower and higher natures.
Awareness and Relaxation. Chakra massage. Integrated and individual: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara. Most massages have variations from man to woman and woman to man. Massage as an art. Continued practice of integrated massages, drawing on all tools learned so far.
Important tools
Empathy, Intuition, Visualization, Transfiguration. Operating with Superior Energies. All of this is needed to not only see your guests both as they are, but also as their higher nature that is hidden within.
Hatha yoga exercises
You will learn asanas for awakening and harmonizing each of the seven chakras.
Meridian pair stretching and Love Shiatsu
Exercises performed in pairs to balance the meridians. Stretching exercises can be used not only with a partner, but also as a warmup for a guest before giving massage.
Phase II : Unity
During the Unity Phase, you will learn to focus on the connection between you and the other one, merging with one another. This is where both of you meet outside of your comfort zones. In other words, beyond your individuality, experiencing a sense of oneness on multiple levels.
This is also where you learn how to give massage to the most intimate part of a person. The yoni (female genitalia) and lingam (male penis) are direct access points to touch a soul. It must only be done with proper preparation, adoration, and full awareness, making it a sacred act. In any tantra massage, in this education, or outside, it is of course only done with full consent of both giver and receiver.

Higher principles
Intimate touch, mental focus, the role of desires. The Law of Harmonious balance, Tantric Magic, Spiritual First Aid, and The Absolute Principle.
Your guests
How to prepare for your guests, how to talk to them, how to handle various situations and reactions.
Astrology and Typologies
The astrological signs, and how they affect your guests. How to give massage to the different signs.
Yoni, Lingam, Erogenous zones
The erogenous zones in general, and their variations according to astrological signs. Physical anatomy and reflexology points of the Yoni and the Lingam. Tantric symbolism of Yoni and Lingam. Importance of their adoration.
Yoni and Lingam massage. Reflexology massage. Practice of integrated massages, drawing on all tools learned.
Yoga and meridian stretching
More hatha yoga exercises. More meridian stretching exercises (continued from year two). Love Shiatsu.
Auric Defense Typologies
Typical defensive patterns that people fall into. (Schizoid, Oral, Psychopathic, Masochistic, Rigid). How to give massage to the different types.
Personal tutor
From the very beginning of the education, we can assign you a highly trained tantra masseur, who will be your personal tutor and who will follow your progress during the education. There will be an additional fee (see prices). Your tutor will give you feedback, which is an opportunity for you to go deeper with your own process.
Having a personal tutor also implies that you will receive or give three massages from/to your tutor. After each massage session you will receive valuable feedback and homework accordingly. It also implies that you will have a longer intimate talk with your tutor, preferably at the very first session, in order to get to know each other better and so that the tutor can afterwards guide you better through the process.
The tutor also helps you keep in touch with the Esoteric Tantra Massage Education in between the modules. Most communication is done via email, Zoom or phone, but you are also welcome to meet up with your tutor. During the actual modules the tutors may or may not be present, and if they are, they will be available for your questions during their own free time.

You will receive the material taught in any given module as written handouts. The material will help you prepare for the exam, but also serves as a valuable reference in your work as a masseur.
Lectures with illustrations
Meridian diagrams
Anatomical illustrations
Meridian and Hatha Yoga exercises
Pressure points
Astrological signs
Defence typologies
Massage guides – men to women and women to men
Poetry, questionnaires, practice advice and more

Time between the modules
Between the modules you will be integrating what you have learned in your daily life.
Continue your yoga practice
Become more aware and have more energy for your transformations. The education gives you plenty of exercises to choose from. Your tutor can help you select a personal program.
Read up
Get a deeper understanding the second (or third) time going through the written materials.
Put the concepts into practice
explore both how yours and other people’s chakras are functioning.
Practice giving massages
As you grow more confident, you will give more massages to the same persons, so you can follow how the massages triggers deep transformations in your guests. At this point you could possibly also start charging student prices for your massages, depending on your progress.
Personal Tutor
The more you work, the quicker you learn and evolve. You may feel in need of guidance as that happens, and therefore we offer you the option of having a personal tutor assigned to you.
Final exam and certification
Personal communication project
During the Masterclass, you will pick a project where you communicate about tantra massage or a related subject to the rest of the world. We have to accept the idea for the project, but there is a lot of flexibility, such as social media posts, lectures, small video documentaries.
A theoretical, written test
You will be tested in the theory learned. There can come questions from all the different topics.
A practical massage to a real guest
You will be giving a real tantra massage to someone you have never given massage before, possibly a regular guest at the Tantra Temple, while one of the teachers will function as an observer during the massage.
Passing the final exam certifies you as an Esoteric Tantra Massage Therapist from the Tantra Temple.

The most advanced Tantra Massage Education
Learn About People
We teach you about the energetic structures of (koshas, chakras and meridians) of a human being, how they affect us in our daily lives, how we affect them with our thoughts and actions, and how to harmonize them through tailor-made massages. We teach you about empathy, intuition, personality types and astrology to be prepared for the many unique guests you will have as a masseur.
Learn about Eros
A tantric masseur should not be focused on their own pleasure, nor should they rigidly avoid intimacy. The very strong creative power must be handled deliberately through awareness, active love, and pure eros. We teach you the true role of desires, and how to make them an asset instead of a challenge.
Learn to grow and to give
We focus so much on your spiritual growth, because the better you can handle your own life and your own energy, the better you will be able to help others. Be it in your own relationships, when giving advice to others, or when giving the beautiful gift of Tantra Massage.
energy work
lectures on
tantric principles
physical and
energetic anatomy
personal tutorship
Meditations, dance workshops, movies, shared meals, hugs, leisure time, outdoor hot tubs and much more.
I started in TME with a vague idea of it being “good for my development”. At the end of it, I was spouting poetry. Like this which gives my opinion of TME:
The Tantra Massage Education for me was an amazing journey of inner discovery. We were going step by step into very delicate subjects like erotical openness, ability to control and direct our energies and desires, removing blockages and inhibitions, acceptance of ourselves and the others.
My own experience of the Tantra Massage Education has been a deep and transforming journey. Through the education I have reached a deeper understanding of the Tantric philosophy which had a great impact on my own personal evolution and the way I choose to live my life now.
Meet the Teachers
All the teachers in the education are professional Tantra masseurs from the Tantra Temple with many years of experience.

Ulrik Adinatha Lyshøj

Daniela Ananda

Nicol Bagala

Petri Taipale

Ameline Teodora

Advaitananda Stoian
Special guest teacher
Tantra Temple
The Tantra Temple has been made to offer an inspiring and welcoming atmosphere to massage guests. It is still used as such, and will now also welcome students. Come and learn how to become the most important component of a tantra massage experience – the masseur.
Asgaard Hus
Asgaard Hus is located in the wide open Zeeland countryside on the outskirts of the village of St. Torøje. This 17th century farmhouse has been transformed into an attractive retreat center. Asgaard is connected with the much bigger Paradise Retreat Center seven minutes walk away or a two minute bike ride. There are various attractions in the neighborhood, such as beach, forest, and monastery all within five kilometers.
Prices for next Masterclass
Joining the Masterclass requires successfully passing the Basic Education. The starting date of the next Masterclass will be set when the next group of participants from the Basic Education are ready to continue.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at for questions or to set up a short zoom meeting.
ETME – Masterclass
62,000 DKK
Deposit after admission (non-refundable): 5,000
Paid 30 days before first module: 57,000
or 18 installments + admin fee: 18 x 3,600
Personal Tutor
11,000 DKK
Paid at first session: 11,000
or 6 installments + admin fee: 6 x 2,000
Asgaard Hus
6,480 DKK
Food and accommodation
Paid during the two week-long modules: 2 x 3,240
It will not always be easy, but we are here to help
Personal development feels threatening to our egos, because it challenges our idea of who we are. So you should not be surprised to experience a minor “crisis” or two during the education. This is one of the reasons why we offer the option of a personal tutor, but you can ask anyone on our team for help.
We are not only here to teach you, but also to support you through the process.

With Love,
The Esoteric Tantra Massage Education Team