The tantric system originated thousands of years ago as a set of practices, knowledge and universal principles that, once applied in daily life, can lead one towards spiritual evolution and greater inner freedom and overwhelming happiness. While our tantra massages are aligned with these ancient teachings, we wish to deepen the initiatic aspect that is so native to the tantrics. By learning and implementing, step by step, some essential tantric keys that are the building blocks for an intense and conscious life, you will be able to bring both your massage and daily-life experience to a next level.
So what are these initiations all about? What could they offer you? And first of all, what exactly is an initiation?


What is an initiation?


An initiation is a process that allows a person access to an aspect of reality they have not had before in order to grow, develop and evolve. All ancient traditions have used initiations as an impulse to help people to grow. The initiations mark key steps on the journey of life, a before and after moment, where you gain new awareness and understanding. Our worldview and experience of life is based on what we believe we know, what we have experienced before and what we are able to imagine. These form the predominant resonances of our being that shape the events we attract and the lessons life is teaching us. Beyond our individual horizon there lies a world of experiences that is, so to say, out of our reach. Through a process of initiation we can be taken into this new universe that can show us parts of existence that we could not predict to be possible.

For example, the first time you ever deeply fell in love. With butterflies in the stomach, a mind that stopped functioning and a heart burning with longing to be with the beloved, you had a sudden new experience of reality. A grey world suddenly turned multi-coloured. The trees looked greener, the sky turned brighter and life gained meaning and beauty. Through this initiation into the world of intense love, you gained access to resonances that are unavailable to the one with a closed heart. Another example could be the experience of becoming a parent. With the shining eyes of a newborn in your arms, the initiation into parenthood takes place. Unconditional love, self-sacrifice, devotion and many more attributes or qualities that were beforehand not awakened in you are accessible to you.

While some intense life experiences offer us spontaneous initiations that expand our horizon and being, the tantric system also consciously uses the process of initiation in order to spiritually transform oneself. A tantric process of initiation can be compared to a growing of fruit tree. The grown fruits symbolizing the new colors, tastes and aspects of life that flourish abundantly in your inner and outer garden. In order for an initiation to be successful there are three necessary components that need to be taken into consideration:


The steps of an initiation


The first step is the preparation. Before planting any fruit tree, we need to prepare the soil in order for a seed to be planted. If we disperse a seed in a paved road, the chance are unlikely for a tree to grow.  We can think of the parable of the sower from the bible where Jesus explains how seeds, when sown in an unprepared manner, are unable to grow root and are either eaten by birds, fallen on rocky places or scorched by the sun. What this means is that we need to prepare our own inner world for the new experience to land very well. We need to have the proper mind-set, attitude, enthusiasm and openness to receive the teaching that will come through this process. 

Once we are thoroughly prepared, we can then plant the seed into the fertile and prepared soil. The seed of the initiation is the actual transfer of knowledge and a specific energy, which grants access to the fruits of the specific tree that you wish to plant in your garden. For this you need to get in contact with the so-called initiate, the one who already has the fruits of this tree in his garden and who can offer a seed to you. The initiate will then both offer you the essential knowledge about the fruit and but also transfer a specific energy that gives life to this knowledge and seed.

The third step of the initiation is the actual nurturing of the seed.  Once it has been planted, it still needs all the right conditions in order to grow strong and tall and eventually bare fruits. This process is the actual practice and implementation of what you received during the transfer of knowledge and energy. Whatever you learned, experienced and understood, now has to be applied in all that you do. In this way it will remain an isolated experience, separate from the rest of life, but an integrated part of daily existence, that starts to shape the way you think and live.

A meditating woman in the Tantra Temple

What are the initiations that we offer in the temple?


The initiations in the Tantra Temple will consist of three different levels, a foundational level that we call neophyte, for the beginners who have not received any prior initiations. Here you will find the initiation in: Lucid Relaxation and Awareness, Law of Resonance, Power of Shakti and the Erotic Revolution. After that follows the intermediary level, which is called aspirant. At this level will be given the initiations in: Polarity, The Tantric Woman and the Tantric Man, Active Love and Amorous Erotic Continence. The third and last level is the advanced level that we call initiate. Here you can find the Power of the Yoni, The power of the Lingam, Orgasm for Women, Multiorgasmic Man, Sacred Eroticism and Who am I? 

These initiations will consist of a lecture on the topic of the initiation, practical exercises that can also be done at home and a special tantric massage to transmit the initiation energetically and at the level of the physical body.  After each initiation you will receive a booklet with all the key points and exercises that you learned. It is possible to receive the initiations in a group setting on select dates or you can book a one-on-one private initiation with an experienced teacher.

With the launch of these initiations, we wish to offer you the possibility to deepen your massage experience and bring it to another level and into your own home too. With valuable knowledge and direct experience of fundamental Tantric ideas that enrich the daily existence immensely, you will be able to increase the depth of love, intimacy and eroticism in your life and relationships.  You will gain deeper knowledge and understanding, an impactful spiritual impulse and the tools to become a tantric in the day-to-day life. In this way you can find deeper peace and greater freedom and loving eros energy beyond the red mattress in the magically-decorated temple rooms; inside your own kitchens, living- and bedrooms. And most of all, you find yourself transformed, renewed and the owner of an expanded orchard, where you have now, in case you prepared the soil and watered the seed, an abundance of fresh fruits.